Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chris Rea

Memories with lots of...


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Old and wise

Don´t ask why this song came into my mind...

By the way, many thanks Richard and Einar...

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Liberation Day

Först idag för sextiofem år sedan befriades "min" lilla ö...
Invasionen i Normandie ägde rum 6 juni 1944. Men - av strategiska skäl valde man att glömma öarna i kanalen.

Detta fick till följd att både öbor och tyskar blev tvungna att samarbeta. De var alla mer eller mindre isolerade på samma plats under nästan ett år...

Senare hände detta...
On May 9th 1945, the HMS Beagle sailed into St. Helier carrying the advance party of Task Force 135, sent to reclaim the Channel Islands. This time, it was the Germans who were ordered to fly the white flag. The task force included many Channel Islanders who were forced to leave in 1940, and one of them, Captain Hugh le Brocq, was given the honour of raising the Union Jack over Fort Regent.

Så var det då...